

2010-12-02 19:33

 --Originally written by Liwen Duan (Delia)

--Updated by Zhanfeng Shen (Sherry) 

             Zhengming Rui (Jamie)


Packing Limitation:

The packing limitations may vary among air lines. In general, you can check two bags and bring one carry-on. In your carry-on bag, you can only pack 100ml liquid and any sharp tools are forbidden (e.g., knife or scissors), so put this stuff in your check-in baggage. For more detailed information, you can click the following link or call the customer service of the airline.


Continental Airlines:

Customer Service: 800-335-2247


China Eastern Airlines:[y1]

Customer Service: 95530


United Airline:

Customer Service: 6834-6136

 [y1]Out dated linkage, so it should be deleted.