


2010-12-02 19:29


 --Originally written by Liwen Duan (Delia)

--Updated by Zhanfeng Shen (Sherry) 

             Siting Fan (Doris)


Generally speaking, if you do not feel well, you can go to the health clinic at Rider, which is located on the first floor of Poyda[EM1] . Our insurance here covers healthcare, except for dental . Check your teeth before you come here. According to your personal needs, you can bring some medicine. Here is a list of common medicines and medical goods you might want to bring:

  • Thermometer and cotton soaked in 75% ethanol
  • Fever and cold medication: Tyenol(泰诺),Bufferin[EM2] (百服宁), etc
  • Cough medicine
  • Anti-inflammatory: Latamoxef(头孢),etc
  • Painkillers for toothache: Saridon (散利痛),etc
  • Stomach medicine:Berberine(黄连素),etc[EM3]
  • Eyedrops

Homepage > BEDDING


2010-12-02 19:12


--Originally written by Mengdan Zhou (Aileen)

--Updated by Yanping Chen(Julianne)




 Quilts, sheets, and pillows. It’s better for you to buy some space bags to compress the bedding. It can reduce the space of your luggage.


     1. The size of the bed in dorm: 90cm × 200cm (just like the size in Sanda University)

     2. One set of bedding is enough. The heater here in winter is adequate, so you don't need to worry about the cold weather.

     3.  Generally, one quilt would be enough. We recommend that you bring a down comforter. But if you are ill or have a health condition, two quilts may be necessary.

     4.  Each residence provides multiple washers and dryers.

 [EM1]This is just a suggestion to include the location. I suggest that the IT group should make a hyper link to the “Introduction to Rider” , which helps new students better know the exact location.

 [EM2] This over the counter drug is found in Advil and Motrin

 [EM3]For this whole section, I would consider typing the brand names of these over the counter drugs, rather than the active ingredients. This will make the drugs easier for the students to look for and ask for if they need.----suggestions from tutor in the writing lab